09/12/05 Show Music
The song on today's show is called The Only Way is the Wrong Way by Filter. I'm too tired to go linking this shit to iTunes today. I'm going to bed :)
The song on today's show is called The Only Way is the Wrong Way by Filter. I'm too tired to go linking this shit to iTunes today. I'm going to bed :)
Today's show featured music from Greenwheel. The song is called Louder Than Words and the links send you to their iTunes page. Great stuff!
Today's Distorted View featured music from a relatively unkown band called Rubyhorse. It's a shame because I really like these guys. The song I featured is called Evergreen, and the link sends you to their itunes page so you can purchase it.
I made reference to the Vertical Horzion in one of my first posts. At the end of the show today we feature a song off of their new album, Go, called "Echo". Follow the link to launch their itunes page.
If you listened to the very beginning of the show, you heard a spot by July For Kings front-man Joe Hedges. So not surprisingly, we played July For Kings at the end of today's program. The song was, "Start Again" off of their first album, Swim. The links take you to the iTunes store.
Today's closing music was by Butch Walker and called San Fernando Sexx Star. There's the iTunes link for you to grab it. Butch's 2002 album, "Left of Self-Centered" has more of a rock feel than his more recent 2004 release called Letters, but both contain great tracks and he's one of my favorite artists.